Try kicking the ball and passing it to your friend! Learn the fundamentals of sports, like baseball and soccer, and the importance of stretching, practicing and cool-down while playing with friends. Activities promote gross motor skill development, concentration, team-building and language skills.
Move, stretch and build an active lifestyle by learning fitness and sports fundamentals. Activities focus on developing the skills involved in soccer, basketball, baseball, volleyball, hockey, racquet sports, track and field, and golf. This class is Parent Optional.
Let’s enjoy modern dance with our bilingual teachers who have performed professionally in Japan and abroad. Through dance, children will develop their sense of rhythm, communication and expressive skills. Having a good sense of rhythm is not only beneficial when dancing and playing instruments but also when riding a bicycle, playing jump rope and other sports. In addition to being beneficial in sports, having a good sense of rhythm helps in our daily lives when we are expressing ourselves and communicating with peers and colleagues. Listening to and moving one’s body freely to the music is a great way for young learners to develop their sense of rhythm.